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Dimitra's Story

Empowering people to showcase their own personal relationship with beauty

There is no standard of beauty. This is Dimitra Davidson’s philosophy, and the driving principle behind every aspect of her game-changing approach to skincare. As the president and CEO of Indeed Labs, and founder of pH-In Skin, Dimitra has embraced the beauty industry as a platform for empowerment. Beauty is defined by the community, so everyone should have a say. “That is what makes the industry beautiful,” she says, “not the products.” 

Dimitra spent her early professional life navigating the finance community as a stock broker, eventually going on to manage corporate sales for luxury retailers. As a businesswoman and a mother to three girls, she looked for products to address her skin concerns. Dimitra had difficulty finding high-quality options at an affordable price, and was frustrated with the lack of accessibility in the industry. When her partners approached her about creating targeted, honest, and affordable skincare, she was excited to get on board. Today, Dimitra understands that skincare was her calling.


Since 2010, Indeed Labs has led the movement in bringing effective, safe, and affordable products to consumers. Dimitra’s community awareness has taught her that bringing the best products to market is not just about her. That’s why she is committed to ongoing learning, research, and asking tough questions. Indeed consistently looks to consumers to direct the path of innovation. As a result, many Indeed Labs products are conceived to fill a gap in the market by answering direct consumer requests.

Dimitra has always sought to engage with her community. In her early career, she volunteered as a chairperson with the Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario. “The most rewarding part of my job is giving people the opportunity to grow,” she says. As a small business-owner, Dimitra strives to elevate and inspire others. Over the years, the offices at Indeed Labs have become a hub for mentorship and growth, which ultimately motivated Dimitra to found The Studio in 2021, and to sign on as an official sponsor of the 2023 Women Empowerment Awards. 

Along with being a passionate brand leader, Dimitra also represents a voice from the consumer's perspective: she is a mother, a community member, a mentor and an employer who sees the potential in her community. “This industry has taught me so much and connected me with people all over the world,” she says. “Seeing a small brand like Indeed thriving, growing, and inspiring people all over the globe, especially in such a competitive landscape, is the greatest reward.”